Monday 2 March 2009

My village is full of pyromaniacs.

I was apparently very mistaken for thinking that the unspoken ettiquette of living near other humans was NOT to have bonfires in the early afternoon on warm and sunny days. Because alas, every single walk I've been on over the past two weeks, there has been someone along the route having a great big bonfire in their garden... I mean, what are they playing at?!
Is it now obligatory to burn your garden waste by turning it in to great big piles of infernal blazing carbonised shite?
Are we the only family that make use of the nearby tip to get rid of our unwanted green matter? And the only family who if we do fancy setting alight to our garden we do it when it's cold and in the evening?
Is it also only acceptable to do it when the weather is pleasant and your neighbours happen to venture out for a walk up the road?
Oh, oh - and is there some rota or agreement between all the other people in this village to ensure that the possibility of said bonfires being held on the same day is safely reduced to zero because heaven forbid there should be ONE nice day when the air isn't filled with smoke?
Because it seems a tidgey bit unfair that my lovely scenic route has been cut short because I'm not really keen on walking through a cloud of ash and smoke when my chest is already tight and there's another 2 miles to go. But then I am picky aren't I?

So I walked 2 miles today, enjoyable if a little smokey.

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