Thursday 5 March 2009

Happy Birthday Dad and Adam!!!

Heellooo. Today was the day of Adz and Dadz birthday, which was very nice in the end! We mainly chilled out and played some scrabble (cause we're clever university people), and had tasty lunch and dinner that my Mum cooked. And an EPIC walk. Well good. We went up the road to the place where I go to for my 3 milers, then a bit further past that so we probably did between 3-3.5 miles I'd say. And we BEASTED the hills. Those hills were gobbled up by our feet like, well, gobbled up things by scary gobbling gobblers. Hom nom nom.
And we both seemed to recover after the efforts fairly quickly, like hardwork breathing but got it back fast. And also this is good since it was very chilly which before made me wheeze away like anything, but today it was just the normal cough cough cough (and both of us at it- what must those quiet neighbours have thought?!) Admittedly we both cheated by taking a load of ventolin before but needs must...

The only weeny downer was that that temperature was not nothing. I have a cold. Sore throat, blocked naso and another low grade temp. So yeah - good old virus-ness has got a foothold just when the bacteria are being kept in check!
So I feel a bit rough - nothing majooro, but annoyance nonetheless.
We will, however, be moseying along to the theatre tomorrow night to see Avenue Q!! Hehehe. Rather exciting and looking forward to a good laff even if it means plenty of coughing thrown in for good measure. And after that, on Saturday night, it is Adams fancy dress birthday party!! Fred and Wilma might be there... taking Adam and Michelles place >wink<

Oh and some serious thought is being given to a RACE IN JUNE. Yes you read me correctly - a race!! It's the London Chest Hospital trust 10K, but there's a 3km fun run too so even though I don't think I'll quite be up to running a 10k, the 3k certainly seems achievable. Which would be a lovely way to start back with a bang. Of course I'll have to tackle running for like... half a K first... but yeah - mid June gives me Over 3 months to train!! Rather exciting thought indeed.
And on that bombshell, I'll update very soon. Adios!

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