Saturday 21 March 2009

Flat as a pancake... but a fluffy american one, not a crepe.

Ahem. I'm just gonna get this out in the open now... I slept in till 9.30 when I was practically shoved out of bed by the day nurses wanting to change the sheets. And it certainly didn't go unnoticed - "You're sleeping late. You're normally the first one up!" Well, at least my weekday efforts have been recognised ;-)
Thing is, I woke up at 6 when someone came in to do my IVs, but the venflon was no more, had blocked and leaked everywhere so it had to come out. And then Dr on call kindly came round for a good old stab at 7.30am. The same Doctor who told me no point in doing a long line on tuesday. Hope she was really annoyed having to do it. HarHar.
I had planned to get up around this time, once obs had been done and I finally had my morning IVs, but promptly fell back to sleep. Oh well, I guess I needed it.
So eventually I got up and very reluctantly did just 10 minutes walking on an incline of 5 to try and make the most of it, since I really didn't feel up to much. In fact, my temperature was slightly raised and I felt shivery, so this might have been why.
Still, that 10 minutes helped with clearance a tadge and it's always good to move around first thing to get this fluid moving off my limbs!
Still felt absolutely knackered and was all pale and faint, so I basically just did all my drugs and had a wash and got dressed ect, then lay on my bed dozing for the rest of the morning! Lushing it up on the weekend, I dunno.

Good thing was that come a doze/telly sesh and lunch and several teas, I felt pretty good again! And after 2pm IVs, I decided to venture oot and aboot in to the depths of Oxford street. I don't know why I do it to myself really... going on saturdays then getting really grumpy at all the other shoppers for just being there. How dare they! Still, I had a good old walk to and from the station, around Oxford street and all that, which I tried to keep going at a really brisk and important 'things to do' pace, weaving in and out of all those wanderers who were havin a faaaggg. Nice.
I did spend rather too much on some new clothes... I just really wanted some nice trendy tees and a little denim skirt. And a jumper. Ahem... Don't tell Mum and Dad.
It did cheer me up loads though and to be honest, my new clothes will benefit many on the ward since I won't have to recycle all my nice clothes as much and smell. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Couple of hours after dinner I did my harder session, where basically I warm up by doing 4 minutes at 6kmph on 4l O2, then ramp up the o2 to 10l and do 2 lots of 4 minutes at 8-9kmph with about 3-4 minutes walking in between and a 5 minute walk to cool down on 4l o2. So 8 minutes running today, the reason I didn't push on for a final 2 minutes was that I want to run early tomorrow since Mum and Dad are coming hopefully, for mothers day pleasantries. Can't wait to see 'em as always. We do have a good laugh together and you know when you just miss cuddles!
So I figured if I manage 3 lots of 2 minutes jogging in my early session, it doesn't matter so much if they are here when I'd normally do the session. However I'm hoping to then also do another 6 minutes in the evening. Aim for PB!!!! 12 minutes I hope! I'll see how the legs feel though. And I'll get a walk outside with the rents too.
I just hope I can get up with relative ease tomorrow! Earlier night maybe will help.

Sees yas xxx

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