Monday 16 March 2009

65%??!! Ha. Ha. In the words of Bush, I was grossly misunderestimated!

Oh today was a gooood health day. Like, unbe-freakin-lievable. I blew 88% in lung function! I was so surprised when I saw the print off that my mouth was hanging open and then I was grinning ear to ear for about 3 hours lol. So lets just get this right... I have had just 1 week IVs and IV steroids, and my lung functions have shot up 30%. Literally the whole team were shocked by it too cause they (and certainly me) didn't really imagine they'd go much above 70-75% at least a good few months from now. And I was all ready to accept never going above 80-85% EVER!
The Doc asked me what do I think has made so much difference... and to be honest, I reckon it was getting back to some intense cardio exercise again, even though I've only been doing it a few days. This combined with a shitload of antibiotics before and during the admission has cleared my chest no end, and what I'm bringing up is the cleanest and thinnest I've seen it since forever.

Now, of course, there's always one or two things that bring you back off of cloud nine, and if I could write those bits in teeeeny text then I would. Oh wait... there you go... hahaha:
My effective lung function is still probably only about 50-60% due to poor diffusion from the alveolar damage... the fact that I blow 88% means that my lung volumes have shot up and the rate I can empty and fill them is much faster - so they are getting stretchy again. This diffusion issue is the reason why I need so much oxygen to do proper exercise... but it is improving all the time.

Doc said my lungs sounded really clear, which is the first time since all of this, that there has been no crackles!! So there is almost no lurky crappy pluggners or fluidness at my lung bases.

What was quite funny today was that the venflon nightmareishness is rearing it ugly little needly head again.... Since I was scheduled for a long line insertion today for the rest of my IVs, the venflon in my wrist was taken out (3 day rule anyway) after 2pm IVs. I then patiently waited for the registrar to come round and do her thang... and waited, and waited, didn't get a walk in the park... waited some more, then when 6pm rolled round and nurse came to do my steroids, I'm like... er, you're going to HATE MEEEEEE.... AHAHAHAHA. No liney in armey. Houston, we have a problem.
And in all her trust in me, she asks "Well how am I meant to give you your hydrocortisone then?" Like I would magically remember some emergency venous access I had just for times like these.

But alas, no. So on call Doctor comes round and kindly inserts yet another venflon. In my hand. So now I'm a grubby grubber too with only partially washed hands. They had better come and do a long line tomorrow or I'll smear my filthy unwashed hand all over EVERYWHERE before they can shtop meee.

They also did my pre-tobramycin levels earlier and told me to make sure I was around for 3pm for post levels. And no-one came. My antibiotic peak was wasted huh. Which means they have to do post levels tonight. So a blood test at 11pm. I'm so going to do a really good impression of being asleep so they feel really guilty coming in at that ungodly hour, and then in return tell off the day doctos for neglecting me and leaving their dirty work the night staff. What goes around comes around. Yeahhh I'm nasttty.

Anywhom, a good day at the office, I'll be carrying on with this exercise program. In fact, I was so busy rambling about my veins that I forgot to tell you that I have done 8 minutes jogging today!! 3 lots of 2 minutes, and 2 lots of 1 minute at a faster pace. Get me upping the pace lol. That was within a 3km overall session, the rest of it I walked at about 6kmph. Wicked.


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