Tuesday 24 February 2009

The day that was fun-filled

Howdy. Yesterday was the blood-taking-oxford-circus-going-garfunkles-eating-starbucks-drinking day and it was pretty good!
Adz picked me up and we took the train from guildford station, cleverly using the blue badge to park down a quiet little street to save excessive walkag at such an arly stage in the day. This is what I fear I've become rather good at - energy conservation... I HATE being breathless especially in public and especialspecially when there's ages to go! Train journey was good if a tidgey bit busy... we sat on those fold down seats right by the loo. You know that train loo that smells really bad and everyone who comes to use it forgets to push the *close*button when they leave, so we took on the job of toilet-door closers since we were right next to it. Which was our good deed accomplished for the day...
I hate those loos - for one thing the smell makes you want to do that breathing just through your mouth thing that you do when you drive through the country side, and then you taste the smell and that's even worse than smelling the smell; and then also when you use one and you step inside and push the *close* button on the wall, the door closes REALLLLLY slowly! So you have to stand there not knowing what to do with yourself cause you can't start pulling your pants down or looking in the mirror till it closes and you lock it! Feels like stars in their eyes like you should wave goodbye at the onlookers and come out in a costume or something. Weird.
Anyway, Adz had to do his IVs after the first blood was taken then wait an hour and get more taken for levels, and I just had one lot to do, so we got a drink and drank it really slow till the hour was up. And also tried to fit in as many 'danger kisses' as we dared. *Teeheeeee* For reference, a danger kiss is a kiss that two CFs do when they know they are most at risk of being caught in close contact - in the hospital... hahahahahaha. We are BAD.
So after lingering at LCH for what seemed an eternity, we were free to roam in to the distance that was oxford circus. We had lunchen at Garfunkles (american bistro type place - very nice too), took some CRAZZZZY pictures of us with bo-selecta faces, then went to do some serious shopping. Dedicated we were... covering all three floors of topshop and topman twice untill our primal fashion urges were satisfied. Adz got some pretty fit looking jeans and tops which is his birthday pressie off meee, and in H and M I got a couple of things too. Adz also got me the coolest t-shit with the underground map printed on it which I just think is trendy as trendy pie.
As per, my breathing seemed better towards the tail end of the day, and actually I was quite pleased that both of us managed the walking around train stations, the walk to and from LCH from the underground (10 minutes a go), walking up and down Oxford street for a couple of hours, and made it back to waterloo in one piece. So I definately got my walking in, and I think that days like that are quite good for building my stamina up at the moment, as it's a long time to be on the go and I've had none of that since being ill, really. Obviously we were cream-crackered but in a good way, so today I expect that I'll have a 40-50 minutes walk and try and keep a good pace up. And perhaps a couple of short jogs thrown in if it feels good!

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