Wednesday 29 July 2009

Sigh... cough... tempestuous times People!

Argh. I'm an unworthy blogger who doesn't blog enough! Sorry.
You may have guessed, from my usual pattern of awol, that I've been not so well again :-(
I'm pleased to say that things are totally on the mend again and I'm deffo back on track. Basically that naughty temperature spike and slightly iffy chest wasn't 'nothing' as I would have liked it to be... it just carried on and on, till I was lying around with a nasty cough and a 40 degree temp yet again. So in I went to hotel Chest for IVs amongst other stuff. Happily for me and my body we did no change with my steroids and just blasted it with antibiotics, and it absolutely has worked. Which means it was just infection related NOT pneumonia. Incidentally though, my chest x-ray has cleared right up with this admission >grin<.

My lung funko is up to 81% from about 70%, and my gas transfer is 45% the last time I did it... which is down a bit, but my oxygen requirements are quite steady so I'm not really losing any sleep over that!

In terms of exercise, it's been a royal flop to be honest, as I didn't get back to any real workouts between the operation (the muscles/nerves have only just stopped hurting and seizing) and coming down with the infection. Which I can pretty much conclude means that I got the infection because of not being able to cough or breathe deeply for exercise :-/ not helpful!

It's okay though, I'm coughing away nicely now and getting all my clearance done - also making good use of accapella and have had pulmozyme 2 x daily for the past couple of weeks. I'm up to doing two sessions of exercise a day now too! I do a harder 'out of breath' session earlier on, where at the moment it's about 2 km in 20 minutes, on 1 litre of O2. Then later on, a lap of the park at an easy pace (30 mins).

I'm aiming to have a little 2 minute run tomorrow before I leave LCH, and see roughly what my sats do and what oxygen to have on, since it's been so long since my last run. It should be okay, more muscle weakness and jellylegedness than lung stuff.
From there, I think the sensible thing to do will be to keep at about the same level of walking daily, then add in short running intervals as I feel able. I'll do 2 minutes tomorrow and all being well, the same for the next few days. Then next week up it to 5 minute intervals.

Plenty to think about, that's for sure... I've gained back some weight (dropped to 40 the other week) with the old NG feeds giving me 2400kcal overnight, so I'll plug on with that and then stop as soon as I can get away with it!

And er, that's about all I can think of at the moment! I'll blog away with my return to training, and let you know how it all goes!

Take care xxx

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