Sunday 5 July 2009

Roll with the punches, kicks, and slaps.


Apologies for no post yesterday, but it was one of those days where if i blogged, it would all be negative. I've had to give myself a bit of a pep-talk about things and get my head straight after this week, which I'm going to be honest, has not been one of my best!
I felt really sore and tight and uncomfortable all day yesterday and struggled alot to do my walks (2 x 20 mins). I don't really have a problem with making myself do stuff if it'll be good for me even though I know it's going to hurt and I know I'm going to feel rubbish doing it... but sometimes it's just finding that bit of 'oomph' that drives you on and keeps you focused. Walks completed and a fraction of the fluid retention coming off, I thought I'd at least have a good nights rest as I was tired all day but due to the steroid factor suddenly swooping in, I pretty much stared into darkness until about 3am, absolutely as wide awake and twitchy as you get... then gave in a read untill 4, when I felt just dozey enough for sleep. I've got up at 8 and todays been so much better. I've dropped almost all the fluid off now so I don't feel puffy, my back is less painful and more useable, and my energy level is good. So erm, don't really know why I felt so depressed last night!
I think sometimes it's okay to get down when some things don't go your way, but after a bit, you have to find comfort in things that do. Like on one hand, I'm not 100%, I've slipped and it's going to be quite hard work yet again to get back to where I was fitness wise, not to mention my driving test and social life... but on the other, I've recovered really quite well so far from what was quite a serious op only 6 days ago, my exercise has already gone up a bit, I'm looking quite well, I'll not be in LCH much longer, and I've had a nice time at home this weekend.

And above all, I know I can beat this thing because I've done it before! So I'll just have to go through the same process, and I'll get back to normal again. With regards to my driving, you can't have it all. Sometimes things happen that are shit, and if they get in the way of life, it's also shit. But it's not the end of the world. X

1 comment:

  1. We are all allowed bad days and you are definatly allowed a moan!! xx Thinking of ya xx
