Sunday 10 May 2009

PB in so many forms. All good.


Things have been pretty kewl since my last blogfest. Mostly nice things like guests for dinner and loads of training :-)
Funnily enough, I noticed that the day after the shuttle test, where I obviously did stuff with quite low sats for a short time, I had loads of stiffness in my calves, I wonder if it was anything to do with lactic... or probably just co-incidence... I'll try not to blame everything on exercise tests!

Anywho, I was still up nice and early at 7.30 on saturday for a short (15 min) walk with 2 x 4 mins jogging before breakfast and cheesecake making (for dinner party) before heading off to the gym. I had the luxury of an empty gym bar two ladies there for the 1st five minutes of my session! Free run or what? I had a total mansized workout too: 35 minutes moderate-hard cycling, 20 minutes quite intense elliptical trainer, and I think 8 minutes slow walk to cool down. On top of the morning 'recovery' session, this was a very good day.
I was reallly tired by 10pm so once the guests had said goodbye at 11 I was off! I was then up and about at 8.30 this morning for a 3 mile walk with Mum, then a pretty chillaxed day until my afternoon session... Get. This.

I warmed up with a walk for 8 minutes, then did 12 (!!) yes, TWELVE minutes without stopping of jogging heehheeeee. Pretty darm chuffed. And then decided to just properly kick some treadmill butt and do another 6 minutes! So Ive had 18 minutes of jogging today which has beaten last sundays previous best by 4 minutes! And I wasn't tooo knackered either. The whole session with recoveries and warm up/cool down was a solid 34 minutes, which I reckon covered about 2-2.5 miles. So nearly 5.5 miles today!! PB party over here.
Actually, I divulge in to telling you that the post title is a result of the fact that my jogging PB was partially attributed to my PB (peanut butter) feast at bar- reakfast and la-unch. I had PB in my porridge and PB on my toast tooo... I like peanut butter. Actually I probably get through almost quarter of a jar a day most days. >How american< Good energy food I guess!

Right... in other news, I have become a gardener. Mum is always gardening and is actually quite good at it, some genes which she did not pass on to moi. Nevertheless, I felt like helping out and was assigned to job of sowing the lettuce and basil seeds. And also the challenge of making some improvised faux propagators. (Clear, breathable covers for seed trays/pots to keep the insects out and the warmth in)
I got creative with some clingfilm and a pencil to poke holes in it, then skipped off to water the other plants and feed them. A short while later, whilst sipping tea and admiring the garden which I was now taking partial credit for... a Mum goes "Why on EARTH is there pieces of clingfilm blowing about in my garden?!"
It was now that I realised. Wrapping up the plant pots like my dinner, without fastening the film, had resulted in my carefully fashioned covers being swept away in the wind like synthetic tumbleweed. And I never thought it would be me who would run around the garden chasing bits of clingfilm around the garden shouting "MY PROPOGATORSSSSS!!" I did catch them and firmly secure them back with some rubber bands though, and all was well.

Well, you can see I've had MORE than enough excitement for one weekend. Tomorrow morning will be a little 2 miler first thing, and then another in the evening. Gonna give these leggies a little respite before more running!! XXX

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