Monday 18 May 2009

A mile-and-a-half-stone plus half a mile! Ahem - yeah, two miles.

Wheyyyy! Sunday was, as always, the day of reckoning in terms of training for me. I always aim to increase my longest run of the week by about 2 minutes, and also increase the longest interval by at least a minute.
I was all worked up thinking that my legs felt tired and that I would only manage 10-12 minutes without stopping and that it would be a pretty tedious and mundane session.
I totally changed when I got warmed up and got running though and managed a full 16 minutes without stopping! I then did 2 x 2 minutes, meaning that I did TWENTY minutes in total of running in the session!! This has been something that I've wanted to get to for a while now so it felt really fab. My next short term goal will be to run for 20 minutes continuously, which will really be something. And I think I should be able to manage that in the next few weeks. At 6 miles an hour, this is 2 miles so I'll be properly chuffed if I can do that and it'll be real proof of how far things have come along.

I then did a 3 mile walk with Mum later in the day. Surprisingly, my legs didn't feel very tired at all today and I did a session of 4 x 2 min runs with 20 minutes walking in and around on the treadmill, plus another 3 mile walk this evening.

I still don't have very tired legs, but since I've run for 4 days consecutively I'll have an easy day tomorrow with a couple of walks to get the mileage, but no treadmill sessions.
I'll run again on wednesday, probably 3 x 4 minutes, and as always keep up with the long walks.

In other newbydews, I've actually booked my driving test for July 16th and will proceed to poo myself up until that time. Exciting stuff though to think I may be roadtripping away by August!!

Erm... what else... I made a pretty mean curry tonight. Well, not mean as in it made me cry but you know, would be mean to all the other curries in the playground because it knows it's the best, sort of mean. I later had an orange with weird white bits in the segments that tasted all dry and not that nice. The rest of the orange was pretty yum though.

Well, as you can see, my life revolves around treadmilling, curry, peeling dissapointing oranges, green cars, and pooing myself about issues surrounding being able to drive the green car. So erm, I'll shower you with more updates as soon as there is some. Which will be quite soon. Stay tuned. xxx

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