Thursday 23 April 2009

Sure it's big enough, but take a look at the location...


Today was the big jour, we mosied over to Hampshire to pick up the treadmill. All went smoothly until we were shown in to the (obviously congenitally redundant) 'home gym', with a rather slim looking doorway and a pre-folded treadmill beckoning us sweetly.

Hands on Dad gets right in there and sets to work turning treaders on it's side for us to then lift through the (ever narrowing, indiana jones style) doorframe... and reveals the first, and hopefully only, major design flaw of the machine. The foldable front stand which has been kept in check by the weight of the rest of the machine now springs out, trapping Dads fingers between itself and the other bit of frame. Very, very ouch and it clapped on fast enough to break the skin so there we were, christening the treadmill with blood before we'd even known it five minutes. Now all it needs are some sweat and tears, which will probably be mine.

We did eventually manage to form a human straight jacket on it before shoving it in the the boot, with a small panic that the boot wouldn't close even though we'd measured it, and then said our goodbyes.

Blacky the treadmill (it's a Roger Black model) has now set up camp in the garage, at least for the time being for my extreme usage to commence.
Not much sooner had we got over the excitement of all this, but the oxygen man paid a surprise visit with six high flow portable cylinders and a trendy carrybag for them when I'm out and about... I had no idea that portable had been sorted as I was told that it'd just be another machine, so frankly it was like christmas had come early. Now I've got the option of doing faster walks outside (which of course I did to try it out today) and also using the gym. And not having two honking big machines running for the sessions.

Each cylinder holds 430 litres (!) of compressed O2, so would last for a couple of hours worth of brisk walking, or about 40 minutes of jogging. Good stuff. Today was a lighter day, just a couple of moderate paced miles outside, on 2litres. I think my legs felt the benefit as they weren't as tired during and after.

In the morrow I'm heading up to LCH for a quick check up, and I'm still feeling okay about it, should be no hassle. Just that journey... yawn.

Righto, I'll chatter tomorrow XXX

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