Friday 24 April 2009

I make 4.30 pimms o'clock, but NOT budweiser o'clock.


So er, apparently train carriage refreshment trolleys now keep a substantial quantity of lager cans in stock for any fine fellow who may want to wet his whistle of a sunny London afternoon. Thankyou, Southern rail, for coming up with yet another way of providing the city's substance dependant, overworked, weekend centered, violent, rude and alcohol fuelled nation with booze.
Call me a right snob, but I don't think it's that acceptable to be draining can after can of lager on the 4.30pm train on the way back from london, especially in your work clothes, when it's standing room only and everyone around you is forced to smell your breath, and when you're a bit of an oddball at the best of times... But anyway, it appears that's okay these days. Nice.

Anyway, I'll move on to the more pressing issue of LCH clinic in all it's glory. It was alright!! Many sighs of relief from the team who'd obviously thought I'd do a 'Michelle' and be in again within the week - and then I turned up all healthy looking and non-breathless (ish!). That showed them, hahaha.
My spirometry was 85%, so brilliant (up 24% from February) and I didn't do a gas transfer. Weight stable but predictably they want more kgs on for next time, physio well happy and chest clear, blood gases borderline but acceptable for me. PaO2 was 8 I think... normal's over 10 or something. But meh... we knew all that.
I didn't start back on any more meds yet, so life is still pretty easy without the colomycin nebbing. All I have to neb is pulmozyme once a day at the moment, then the rest is all pills and inhalers hehe. I'm now free for another 2 weeks, then I'll go and have the steroid jab, reassess o2 levels with exercise, and another check up. And then two weeks after that, then I'm hoping we'll go down to monthly or longer.

So all in all, very good! I'm pretty chuffed with that, so the plan is to carry on with what I'm doing for now, with the hope that in 2 weeks, I can get those oxygen requirements down!

Tomorrow I want to get a proper go on Blacky, so I'm aiming to get a morning session around 8.30, with 10 minutes at 3.5 mph, then 4 x 1 minute at 5mph, with 1-2 minutes walking recovery, then another 5 minutes at 3.5. All on a slight incline of course ;-) That'll be roughly 1.5 miles, so then in the afternoon, get another 2 in. Probably 30 minutes at 4mph. I'll probably be knackered!



  1. Imagine the confusion for people who dont know what blacky is lol. For second I thought u meant a horse, but then i realised lol

  2. Lol - I thought I'd said that I was calling him blacky... doh!
