Monday 1 June 2009

PB to boast, followed by PB on toast

Okay, so the fact that I had toast and peanut butter afterwards was quite irrelevant but it rhymed so... ner.
Twas 24 MINUTES!! And a fairly comfortable 24 minutes too. I had expected it to be a fairly nondescript session, as I was tired from a late night before. I set myself the task of just doing 20 minutes as this is only 2 minutes less than my previous best anyway, but when I'd done that I was absolutely fine so it seemed churlish not to carry on. At 22 minutes I was pretty tired and had planned to stop, but sinceI was only halfway through a really good song on the IPOD (Boys, boys, boys by Lady gaga) and wasn't about to collapse or anything, I just pushed on a tidgey bit further. Reee-sult.

I'd thought that we would to the gym and I'd get a weight session but no-one was about to play squash with Dad so there was no point going over. I did a walk with Mumsy later.

The legs have recovered perfectly today but I decided that Monday will now be my "two walks" day and then tuesday through to thursday, plus saturdays and sundays will be runners.
So two 3 milers today for a nice bit - o - mileage.

And yes, the PB on toast was good too, an ideal calorie replacement for the hard core seshomondos. Speaking of which, bloddy calories... obviously still not enough going in, I've lost more friggin weight. Only a kg... but erm, was meant to put on a bit for next clinic and now I can see more of their effing downwards arrows on my weight chart and more "how many fresubins are you having". Stupid fresubins. They may be 400 kcal but they're so flipping filling I then can't eat a decent meal! I'd rather have the food than some lurid vegetable oil, sugar and milk protein concoction. Oh well, I'm not so skinny I can't do my running and I'm still looking well so I guess I'll take it with a pinch of salt (or two, nom nom nom).

I'll be back xxx


  1. Woo! Good for you! Do you ever get a stitch when running? I do but then again the problem is down to major coughing fits resulting in a weirded out stomach muscle. Hmm.

    *zooooooooooms off* Weee, running! Xx

  2. I hate Fresubin's as well, there's something in them that just doesn't "agree" with me. I've had better luck with milkshakes like Scandishakes and Build ups, as they actually taste nice...
